Over the next month Three Forks School District will be sharing some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the May general fund operational mill levy. In these posts the District will be providing answers to the FAQs in addition to other helpful information to better inform the voting public. If you need further clarification please access the Operational Levy Information link, https://www.tfschools.com/page/levy for more information. FAQ: If approved, how would this general fund mill levy affect my taxes? Answer: The attached flyer provides a great breakdown of the potential cost to tax payers. Tax base values for 2024 will be made available in August 2024. As the tax base increases with time, the burden on individual taxpayers is reduced. The assessed valuation is NOT what you would expect as a resale value. You may look up your assessed market valuation at the following link: https://svc.mt.gov/dor/property/prc
10 months ago, Steven Fanning
Local Scholarships are due April 26, 2024! Please have your graduate log on to or visit with Mr. Hessen to learn more about funding available to them for post-secondary education.
10 months ago, Jessica Oehmcke
GCC Scholarships
Calling all TFS PK-12 actors and actresses!! Missoula Children's Theatre will be holding auditions on Monday, April 15th @ 4:00 p.m. for the play "Robin Hood". Check out the link below for more information. *It is essential that parents understand the weeklong commitment to this program. These are long days and require a lot of work on behalf of the students that are participating. Hope to see you there!! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kXv6jMQT-fl-vBr3NAu2xPr_uFWu6-0TcH4dB9HUnpk/edit?usp=sharing
10 months ago, Steven Fanning
Here are the dates for the three forks basketball camp this summer. Keep the dates open so your kids can improve on their basketball skills and have some fun!! June 12-14
10 months ago, Terry Hauser
Congratulations!!! High School Student of the 3rd Quarter winners are CJ Duvall and Abbey Tallman. Thank you and #GoWolves
10 months ago, Greg Heys
Local Scholarships are due April 26, 2024! Please have your graduate log on to or visit with Mr. Hessen to learn more about funding available to them for post-secondary education.
10 months ago, Jessica Oehmcke
Steer In Trailer Sales Scholarship
Over the next month Three Forks School District will be sharing some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the May general fund operational mill levy. In these posts the District will be providing answers to the FAQs in addition to other helpful information to better inform the voting public. If you need further clarification please access the Operational Levy Information link, https://www.tfschools.com/page/levy for more information.
10 months ago, Steven Fanning
Prom 2024 was one for the books. Prom court included Colton McElwee, Cole Sloan, Jackson Hayder, Cole Rogers, Ericka Johnson, Alexandria Kotter, Fallon Page and Sarah Christman. Prom bearers were Andrew Lauver and Charlie Lien. Congratulations to King Jackson Hayder and Queen Sarah Christman. Thanks to the Junior Class Prom Committee for their organizing efforts, to the Three Forks Food Service for refreshments and to Katie Sophia Photography for professional photos during the event. A special thanks to the advisors, chaperones and all volunteers working behind the scenes to make the evening a success. Grand March candid photos can be found at the below Google Drive link, as we tried our best to capture images of all the kids looking their best: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YDoPN2uyIffkHnaRORvule-JcZU1uKNY?usp=sharing
10 months ago, Jessica Oehmcke
Prom 2024
Prom 2024
Prom 2024
Prom 2024
Local Scholarships are due April 26, 2024! Please have your graduate log on to or visit with Mr. Hessen to learn more about funding available to them for post-secondary education.
10 months ago, Jessica Oehmcke
Ray Lau VFW Post 7621 Scholarship
Administrative Contract Negotiations will be held in the Three Forks Conference Room on Monday, April 15th @ 5:30 pm.
10 months ago, TFDistrict TFDistrict
8th-graders are coming home today with this letter for parents about the trip to Billings on May 30. Please read, initial and sign, and return by Thursday 4/11. We are trying to get a rough number of how many students are interested in going and if parents are interested in chaperoning. Thank you! --Mrs. Donnelly https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xx0xZk4SBak0-MS3GcMa2FJqa62nvHJZ-DpJkPlhxX8/edit
10 months ago, Heidi Donnelly
It's a busy week in the music room as Choir and High School Band ramp up for district music festival this Friday, 4/12, in Helena, but it's a fun one! Here's a photo of band practicing outside on one of the beautiful days we had recently.
10 months ago, Kieran Beebe
HS Band rehearsing outdoors.
You tell yourself you're going to make a Thrillshare post every day for the Montana FFA State Convention, but then you blink, and just like that it's over, but what a week it was! Three Forks FFA had great success at the Montana FFA State Convention. Our teams performed well and most teams placed in the upper half of their competitions. A very special congratulations goes out to the Three Forks Forestry Team! The team worked hard and took 2nd at the Montana FFA State Convention! This is a huge accomplishment for a young and developing FFA Chapter. The team consisted of Calla Donnelly, who took 2nd Place as an individual, Corban Lewellen, who took 6th as an individual, Sophie Meskimen, and Hadley Fallang. In addition to success in completion, Three Forks FFA got to watch Calla Donnelly participate in the National Teach Ag. Signing Day, as she plans to attend MSU and become an Agriculture Educator. Three Forks, you should be proud of the work your students put into their competitions, and be more proud of how well-behaved and courteous they were this week. These young men and women are true examples of premier leadership and citizenship. In closing, Three Forks FFA would like to offer a huge thank you to our state convention sponsors and donors. This includes Wheat Montana, Bridger Brewing, Milligan Canyon Meats, Montana Equine, Chiropractic Clinic of Three Forks, the Smith Family, Big Horn Skulls, and Kalen Watson. We also would like to thank our wonderful coaches and state convention chaperones. Thank you to Corey Lewellen (Forestry Coach), Jason Todhunter (Forestry Coach), Claire Standley (Meats Coach), Emily Evans and Kelsey Wright (Vet Science Coaches), Trenton Braaten (Sales Coach), Heidi Donnelly (Chaperone), and Brittany Emens (Chaperone/Cook). Great job Three Forks FFA! We are very proud of you!
10 months ago, Tyler Noyes
Three Forks FFA
2nd Place Forestry Team
Winners Circle
Happy Birthday Rylee
Top Dogs
Go Three Forks!
Dance Time
Chapter Display
Session Time
We were so lucky to hire Mrs. Kadie Warner as she came to our 2YK program this year with a wealth of experience. She makes a great point in her profile noting that in a smaller district "each person’s contribution is a larger piece of the function of the school district."
10 months ago, Sandra Cutler
Local Scholarships are due April 26, 2024! Please have your graduate log on to or visit with Mr. Hessen to learn more about funding available to them for post-secondary education.
10 months ago, Jessica Oehmcke
Worthy Student Scholarship
Three Forks High School Journalism class has created a series of podcasts about what is going on in the high school. Go give them a listen! They aren't even very long! https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/heidi-donnelly
10 months ago, Heidi Donnelly
Over the next month Three Forks School District will be sharing some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the May general fund operational mill levy. In these posts the District will be providing answers to the FAQs in addition to other helpful information to better inform the voting public. If you need further clarification please access the Operational Levy Information link, https://www.tfschools.com/page/levy for more information. Question: Why does the Three Forks School District continue to run operational levies? Answer: TFSD attempted to run operational levies in 2023, 2022, and 2019, all of which failed. In 2017 the District was successful in a levy of approximately $200,000. Prior to that, the last attempted levy was 2009. Due to this, the District is far below surrounding Districts in their local operating levy comparisons. Check out the link below for more information.
10 months ago, Steven Fanning
Good morning Three Forks! TFES will be holding Kindergarten Screening on May 1st and May 2nd in preparations for the 24-25 school year. Please check out the flyer for more information.
10 months ago, Steven Fanning
Over the years, Mrs. Heidi Donnelly has served in various roles in the district. More recently, as an English teacher, she has spearheaded some incredible additions to our school including a journalism class, drama club, and the VIP Club (volunteer group). She's a teacher with incredible enthusiasm!
10 months ago, Sandra Cutler
Local Scholarships are due April 26, 2024! Please have your graduate log on to or visit with Mr. Hessen to learn more about funding available to them for post-secondary education.
10 months ago, Jessica Oehmcke
MCF Memorial Scholarship