We are one week away from Missoula Children's Theatre auditions for "Johnny Appleseed"! MCT welcomes students K-12 to audition. Auditions will take place at 3:45 in the high school gymnasium. For more information please see the link below.
Reminder: Any resident of the district that is at least 18 years old and is registered to vote may run for the school board vacancy in the upcoming trustee election to be held May 3, 2022. The seat is a 3-year term. Interested parties must submit a Declaration of Intent and Oath of Candidacy to the Business Office no later than 4:00 p.m. on March 24th in order to appear on the ballot. Questions can be directed to Business Manager / District Clerk Lisa Morgan at lmorgan@threeforks.k12.mt.us.
Have your seniors make a video with YOU in it and win some $!
The ACT for the Junior class of 2023 is scheduled for Tuesday March 29.
Ask your juniors about the ACT PREP program they've been working with!
Spring Traffic Education schedule is out. Class begins Monday, March 21 with the parent meeting in the evening. If your student is interested, please have them stop by Mrs. Donnelly's room to check the list or get on the list, and grab a schedule packet. The confirmation form must be signed by a parent and returned by Wednesday 3/14. Class is limited to 12 students and built by age--older students getting preference. Cost is $250. Class will be held during Zero Hour and on Saturdays. Drives will be after school and on Saturdays. Questions can be directed to Mrs. Donnelly--hdonnelly@threeforks.k12.mt.us
TFSchools National Honor Society is hosting a Blood Drive today Mar. 15th 9:15am - 3:45pm. We still have a few appointments available. If you can help please sign-up at redcrossblood.org and help us fill up our Blood Drive. Thank you
The TFS Varsity Basketball Team is on their way to the Class B State Championship game this evening. Come out to support our boys at Brick Breeden Fieldhouse tonight with game scheduled to start at 8:30. Go Wolves!
The TFS March School Board meeting will be held in the TF High School Conference Room this Tuesday, March 15th at 6:30 pm. The agenda link follows:
Missoula Children's Theatre is coming back to Three Forks!!
MCT is scheduled to be in Three Forks the week of March 28th through April 2nd, with the culminating production of "Johnny Appleseed". This is always one of the highlights of the school year for many students, K-12. Please check out this link for more information.
A memo released for ticket sales for MHSA State Basketball.
Please follow link below: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BtfQdri_Wp51Ldz6C4ttwDPb2xJGaPcM/view?usp=sharing
Check out the great things that are taking place this month in our After School Program!
Also it is never too late to send A congratulations to Cole Rogers for earning the Jug Beck Quick Fall award at the 2022 MHSA State wrestling tournament for Class B/C with 4 pin in 5:44! Go Wolves!!!
A huge “Well done!” to our Three Forks Middle School team at the Montana Middle School Wrestling Tournament. We placed 6 of our 10 wrestlers in the toughest wrestling tournament in the state! Well done young men!
Mathias Hogue 115 lb bracket- Champion
Jacob Murphy 100 lb bracket- 3rd Place
Wyatt Barker 125 lb bracket- 5th Place
Geno Ferreyra 140 lb bracket- 6th Place
Nicolai Kovnesky 152 lb bracket- 6th Place
Vincent Diaz 171 lb bracket- 6th Place
Updated Scholarship List -
It's starting to get REAL!
Here are your High School Student of the Month winners for February. Congrats to Cass Violett, Tallyn McCauley, and Kylie Rowan. Go Wolves!
Here are the Middle School Student of the Month winners for February. Congrats to Cherish Allen, Samuel Turner, and Gabe Ross. Go Wolves!
Here are the Middle School Student of the Month winners for February. Congrats to Cherish Allen, Samuel Turner, and Gabe Ross. Go Wolves!
Student Council has Wolf t-shirts available for $10 each. Order them through the high school office (there is a list) or at lunch in the high school commons. Adult sizes while they last!
Traffic Safety Week in the middle and high school! Did you know that speed plays a role in 26% of traffic fatalities? And that males are over twice as likely to be killed in traffic accidents as females? SLOW YOUR ROLL! KEEP CONTROL!
We are celebrating Traffic Safety Week with CONE WEEK! There are over 300 tiny traffic cones hidden around the school every day this week. Students need to find them and earn prizes, including the grand prize of $100 cash!
Traffic Safety Week is brought to you by TFHS FCCLA, Three Forks Student Council, MDT, MT FCCLA, and Ford Driving Skills for Life.
The Three Forks Schools Finance Committee will meet on Friday at 8:15 am in the high school conference room to review mid-cycle claims for approval. The agenda follows: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IAsW2y8D0x6YgHVPyFFpeBXKNxTZBQbvYELELDwvy58/edit