Little Wolves Basketball Information:
For those parents/players that missed the Little Wolves Basketball meeting on Saturday, here are some important links. Team rosters are also posted by the elementary school office for players that do not know what team they are on.
Little Wolves Practice / Game Schedule
Little Wolves General Information
If you have further questions please contact Steve Fanning
The TFS Board of Trustees will meet on December 21, 2021 for our monthly meeting in the TFS Conference Room @ 6:30. Board Agenda follows:
Quick Basketball update for today. The JV Girls game has been canceled and therefore the first game today will start at 4:30 PM. All games will be held and played in the Main Gym.
I also would like to mention at this time that our Main Gym capacity for the season has been limited to a maximum of 720 due to the construction and lack of fire escape routes. Please arrive early and Cheer LOUD. Go Wolves!!!!
Just a reminder about the Little Wolves Basketball parent/player meeting that is scheduled for Saturday, December 18th at 10:00 a.m. in the high school gym. If you are unable to attend this meeting, Little Wolves information, rosters, and schedules will be available Monday of next week on the District Facebook page, as well as the District Website.
If you have questions please contact Steve Fanning
Dear Three Forks Families,
The Three Forks Administration received an email through our School Administrators of Montana (SAM) organization alerting us and the community to a TikTok challenge that poses a potential threat to all schools. While this post is not directed specifically at Three Forks Schools, we do want our parents to be fully informed.
We were made aware of this troubling post that has been shared widely this week on the social media platform TikTok. The post refers to a threat to school safety “for every school in the USA, even elementary,” on Friday, December 17.
The post appears to be part of a national TikTok trend and did not originate in our school district. We have heard reports from other districts that the same post is circulating in their schools. While we do not believe the threat to be credible, we are closely monitoring the situation and taking it seriously.
Additionally, the district has been in contact with the Gallatin County Sheriff’s Department regarding the post. We may have an increased police presence in our buildings on Friday as an added precaution.
This situation serves as a good example of why it is important to avoid sharing posts online that refer to school safety threats. It also serves as an example of why it is so critical for parents to be extra vigilant in their child’s social media usage. Even if they are not credible threats, they can cause a great deal of stress and anxiety for our students, families, and staff. We ask our families to monitor their children’s social media activity and speak with them about proper behavior online. The Gallatin County Sheriff’s Department in conjunction with the Three Forks School District will continue to take all threats very seriously.
If you or your child become aware of any potential threat posted to social media or anywhere else, please notify a school staff member or trusted adult right away.
As always, thank you for your partnership as we work to ensure a safe, secure, and positive learning environment for our students.
Three Forks School District
Do we have any up and coming cheerleaders out there? It's that time of year, time for CHEER CAMP!! Cheer camp will be split up into two sessions, one for grades K-2 and another for grades 3-5. Check out the link below for more information.
Three Forks Elementary School will be celebrating the holidays today and invite family and friends to attend our holiday concerts. K-2 students will be performing at 1:30 p.m., followed by 3-5 students at 2:15. Both performances will take place in the high school gym.
For those that are unable to attend, please check out our District Facebook page as we will be streaming the event.
*Students will be returning to their classrooms after the concert to complete their school day.
Happy Holidays!
The TFS will be meeting on Thursday, Dec 16th following our policy committee meeting @ 2:30 pm to review the TFS ARP ESSR Plan and the Safe Return to School and Continuity of Services Plan. This review is required with input from stakeholders every six months through Sept 2023. Any interested parties are encouraged to attend. Both plans can be accessed on under the district tab with a link to the google forms if you prefer to respond virtually.
The Three Forks Afterschool Program, Explore Club, and Mentors will be caroling throughout town on Monday, December 20th. If any community members or businesses would like our group to stop and carol, please email your address or business name to
The Three Forks Schools Policy Committee will meet to review policies for recommendation to the Board on Thursday, December 16th @ 1 pm. The link to the agenda:
I apologize in advance to everyone but I have the game times wrong for our High School basketball games in Twin Bridges tomorrow (Tuesday). Below is the game schedule. Again sorry for the confusion.
All games will be played in the Main Gym! Thanks, Mr. Hauser.
Boys JV 4:00
Boys V 5:30
Girls V 7:00
Little Wolves Basketball Update:
There will be a parent/player meeting for Little Wolves basketball this Saturday, December 18th at 10:00 in the high school gymnasium. The purpose of this meeting is to share information about the Little Wolves season, game schedules, teams, and expectations. Games will kickoff the weekend of January 7-8.
If you have any further questions about Little Wolves Basketball please reach out to Steve Fanning,
Thank you and have a great week!
The Gallatin County Sheriff's Office and the Three Forks School District take every potentially concerning social media post seriously until we can determine otherwise. In this most recent instance, law enforcement has determined there is no threat to the public. Law enforcement has worked closely with our school administration and we have taken an abundance of caution to ensure the safety of our students and faculty. Should there be any future messages that could be considered alarming, we will continue to act with safety and security as the first priority while keeping our parents, students and faculty informed as we work with our local law enforcement.
Live Stream to the Three Forks HS/MS Holiday Concert
Attention Elementary Parents:
Three Forks Elementary School will be holding our K-5 Holiday Christmas Program on Wednesday, December 15th in the high school gymnasium. To accommodate for restricted gym capacity, we will have two different performances. Kindergarten, first, and second grade students will perform at 1:30 p.m., followed by third, fourth, and fifth graders performing at 2:15 p.m. We will also be streaming the concert for those who are unable to attend.
Happy Holidays!
Congratulations to the high school Students of the Month for November! Cole Moore, Kace Erikkson, and Sarah Christman. Go Wolves!
Congratulations to the middle school Students of the Month for November. Danna Estrada, Pailey Lampers, and Gage Kantorowicz. Go Wolves!
Hope & The Holidays
Providing Christmas for Children
The 7th Grade science students are learning about weathering and erosion though lab projects.