The Speech & Drama team has competed at their first two meets of the year digitally. The team took 7 first place finishes last Saturday and 5 this week. Molly Collins, Alexis Welch, Saryna Smith, Josh Williams, and Falisha Dale are currently undefeated on the year, winning both meets. Also placing first in their respective events were YenShae Fan, Gabryele Veltkamp, Mikey Olson, Finn Hanson, and Allen Wilcox. Also placing in the top three of their respective events this weekend were Madison Griffiths, YenHang Fan, Caden Freeborn, Ally Kamps, Des Nienhuis, Lauren Welch, and Zoe Pyfer.
Three Forks School Board
December Agenda
We apologize these cross country students were originally left off the Academic All-State list. Congratulations to Bryon Fanning, Beau Johnston, and Devon Potts
Amazing Seventh grade science students are doing a fun STEM building project.
Three Forks Food Drive
Follow this link...
TFES is in need of a long-term substitute teacher. Please see the post below if interested. If you have any questions, please contact the school office at 285-6830.
TFES also held the Positive Paw drawing for Trimester 1. Congratulations to these amazing kids!
It has been an amazing week at TFES!! We have been busy celebrating the Trimester 1 grading period. Today we recognized some of our amazing staff members. Staff members voted Mickey Zeiger and her “kitchen crew” as Classified Staff of the Trimester as well as Sue Pitcher as the Certified Staff of the Trimester. Excellent work ladies!
The Second Semester and Summer Drivers Ed rankings are posted outside the high school office on a green sheet of paper. If your student's name is on the list, have them find Mrs. Donnelly in the high school teachers' lounge sometime in the next couple days for the packet. If your student is distance learning or homeschooled, please come to the school for the packet or email Mrs. The top sheet must be returned to the office or Mrs. Donnelly by Friday, Dec. 11.
The TFES online book fair is taking place now!! Check out the links below for more information.
High School Student of the Month nominations: Alex Pierce, Allen Boyd, Arlington Smith, Bryon Fanning, Falisha Dale, Isabella Fink, Izaiah Parker, Katie Hayder, Kayden Benson, Lily Jones, McKenzie Taylor, Mike Olsen, Noah Hegar, Rachel Williams, Sarah Christman
Winners: Alex Pierce, Isabella Fink, Arlo Smith
Middle School Student of the Month nominees: Allison Hossfeld, Brayden Gruber, Cailin Gruber, Devynn Judd, Ella Delger, Jackson Fanning, Jacob Murphy, Jayson Divisson, Julia Kotter, Kuyler Ward, Kylee Reichman, Malachi Tucker, Memphis LaBonte, Pailey Lampers, Shaydin Steers, Skyler Kenton, Sophie Corbett, Teagin Walker, Tommi Kirwan, Vincent Diaz, Zaida Bertrand.
Winners: Ella Delger, Skyler Kenton, Allison Hossfeld
Just a quick note if you have scheduled a virtual Parent Teacher Conference by a phone call. Our school has a limited number of phone lines and therefore some teachers will be using a Google Meet feature on their computer to place phone calls. These phone calls will appear to be coming for Boston, MA. If you receive a phone call from a outside area during your scheduled time, please don't hesitate to answer.
Three Forks School Board
Claims approval
Check out the K-5 Monthly Howl for November/December! Thanks for reading.
Attention TFS Families:
It was discussed and determined at last night's school board meeting that school will not be held next Monday and Tuesday. The reason for the cancellation is out of the safety of staff, students, and community members due to the rise and impact of COVID cases in our community. This long break will also allow for a deep clean of our building.
So to clarify, there will be no school next week, November 23-27.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Great job Lexi!! We love the excellent attitude you bring with you each day. Keep it up.
High School Student of the Quarter Nominees:
Jasmyn Murphy
Ayden Israel
Lauren Stone
Yen Hang Fan
Zoe Pyfer
Zoie Partain
Kaia Reedal
Will McDonnell
Talia Perry
Zandra Potts
Gabriel Charon
Winner: Lauren Stone
Middle School Student of the Quarter Nominees:
Bell Jones
Ryen Stites
Sawyer Marx
Alyssa Golding
Nova Ervin
Orion Szocs
Teagin Walker
Winner: Bella Jones
Three Forks Special Board Meeting
Three Forks Regular November Meeting
Mrs. Donnelly and Mr. Schilf are putting together the 2nd Semester and Summer Drivers Ed classes. Students must be 14-1/2 by the first day of class. If you think you are on the interest list, it is at the high school office. If you are interested in being in the class and aren’t on the list, sign up on the sheet at the office. Email Heidi Donnelly with questions: