6th grade orientation will be taking place August 20 from 6-7pm. Students with last name starting with the letters A-M will enter through the high school entrance and go to the auditorium. Students with last name starting with N-Z will enter through the Cafeteria entrance and meet in the Cafeteria. We ask that this be limited to one parent/guardian if possible. This orientation is not mandatory, but may be helpful as we find this can be an exciting transition for many of our wonderful kiddos. Go Wolves!
Cross Country practice for high schoolers only this week. Practice starts at 3:45. Please meet at the school and bring a mask. Practice for junior high starts Monday the 31st.
*Jr high football camp August 24th and 25th from 7-8PM.
*Practice will start August 26th after school.
*Remember to get physicals and paperwork completed ASAP.
Three Forks School Board August Agenda
Good morning Three Forks Family! As we have said since the onset of COVID, things are changing rapidly, impacting decisions, plans, and practices. Evidence of this occurred yesterday as Governor Bullock made an announcement extending his statewide mandate to now include face coverings required for all K-12 students, with the exception of those who have health conditions.
With this being said, Three Forks Schools will follow this mandate and require all students K-12 to wear masks in school. Please read the article below for more details. If you do have questions about this update please contact the school at 285-6830.
Good morning Three Forks Schools family!
To begin, thank you for the patience as we roll out our plan to start 2020-2021. The District appreciates your flexibility and understanding.
On Monday the District did send out a form for parents to complete in order to provide some valuable information for the school regarding your plans for this fall. Thank you to those that have taken the time to submit this form. We understand that families are confronted with a difficult decision and sometimes difficult decisions do take time.
If you have not completed the form, please do as soon as your family is able to make an educated decision. The sooner the information rolls in, the sooner the District can start building rosters and notifying parents of class placements, etc.
The link to the form can be found below. If you need more information or have any questions please call the office @ 285-6830. Thank you again for your cooperation as we start the 2020-2021 school year.
MHSA has continued to work through a return to Fall Activities. Activities and practices will be allowed to begin with requirements and considerations August 14th. Just a reminder that we will be holding our mandatory Fall Sports meeting August 13th at 6:30 pm in the High School New Gym (possibly my move to the football stands outside for group size over 50). We ask you to remember the county mandates that are still in place. Please only send one guardian/parent. This will also be broadcast on Facebook Live. Middle students and guardians do not need to attend, but encouraged to watch on Facebook Live, if possible. Packets are available in the High School office. Please remember the you will need a physical and forms in before you are allowed to practice. Once again this year, the Chiropractic Clinic of Three Forks is giving physicals for $25 with the money being denoted to the school district.
Three Forks Schools Reopening Options 2020-2021 Sign Up
Based on the recent Three Forks School District parent survey, we know that families will be making different choices for their child's education this year. In order to best plan how to support all of these choices, the District requires a commitment from parents at this time between the choices listed below.
Onsite Learning Monday - Friday. On Fridays dismissal will be at 11:10 AM.
Distance Learning provided by the District using Acellus for at least one quarter (6-12) or one trimester (K-5)
Homeschooling by registering with the county (No support from the District.)
Please fill out the online form here to begin the process:
Three Forks Special Board Meeting
Three Forks Schools Reopening Document
Opening Recommendation for the 2020-2021 school year.
Attention Three Forks Wolves Football Fans and Students! There is a football meeting tomorrow, August 6th, in Mr. Hauser's room at 4 PM for all 20-21 high school students interested in playing football this year. No guarantee on how the school-year sports seasons will turn out this year, so come be a part of the Three Forks Wolves Football Team!!!
Three Forks Middle School has an opening for a Junior High Volleyball coach. If interested please call Greg Heys at 406-285-3224 ext 218 or email gheys@threeforks.k12.mt.us Go Wolves!!!
Traffic Education will be offered during the school day (7th period) for the 2020-2021 school year. Please fill out the form by August 24 if your student is interested in enrolling in Traffic Education offered Semester 1 or Semester 2 of the 2020-2021 school year. YOUR STUDENT CANNOT BE ENROLLED IF THEY ARE NOT ON THIS LIST BY AUGUST 24! Driving will take place after school and on Saturday. Students will be enrolled by birth date, must be 14-1/2 by the first day of class, (August 26th, 2020. birthday on or before February 26, 2006 for first semester), and must attend class in person. I work hard to schedule student drives around sports practices and sports schedules, and coaches have been very good about working with this program. Mr. Heys will edit the schedules of students enrolled in the class. There are currently plans for at least one 2021 summer session. If you have questions, please feel free to email me at hdonnelly@threeforks.k12.mt.us. TE Policy letter: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LzB_DoOZyi1WGcqW4OD2LEItoTvVwvhjkhCNKH4Y0hI/edit?usp=sharing TENTATIVE driving schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sChTQvIcR6bQC9OGrIZoL5hiEV_08wzfoBRI50jBLDw/edit?usp=sharing Add your student to the interest list (required by August 24. 2020 to be considered for the class):
TFSD Schools Para Position
TFSD Special Board Meeting
MHSA has announced a return to Fall Activities. Activities and practices will be allowed to begin with requirements and considerations August 14th. Therefore, we will be holding our mandatory Fall Sports meeting August 13th at 6:30 pm in the High School Auditorium. Packets will be available starting next week August 3rd in the High School office. Please remember the you will need a physical before you are allowed to practice.
Once again this year, the Chiropractic Clinic of Three Forks is giving physicals for $25 with the money being denoted to the school district.
Three Forks MS/HS is still excepting applications for special education paraprofessionals. Please view link below for posting or visit the school website.
The Gallatin County Board of Health will be hearing a proposal for an emergency rule related to face coverings on Friday. They are encouraging public comment.